Madison City Alder Candidate
District 18 | North Madison
I am a registered Independent and believe that everyone deserves a fair chance—regardless of their past, income, race, or background. I am committed to helping create a community where everyone is treated equally and where fiscal responsibility aligns with the real needs of Madison’s residents. I am running for District 18 Alder because I know the North Side deserves better—better leadership, better investments, and better outcomes for its people.
I’m a proud Midwest native and grew up in a family dedicated to helping others that has spanned generations.
My mother, Mary, worked tirelessly for the Alzheimer’s Association. My father, Rob, dedicated years to serving people with disabilities before transitioning into a career as a computer programmer. My extended family includes social workers, nurses, teachers, union workers, firefighters, and law enforcement officers.
From an early age, I was taught the importance of hard work, compassion, and standing up for others. These values have shaped my life. I’ve worked with adults with intellectual disabilities, and in my personal life, I strive to be a good listener and take meaningful action when it’s needed.
Now, I want to bring that same commitment to our community. I see the challenges our neighborhood faces, and I believe it deserves an advocate who will step up and fight for what’s right. That’s why I’m running for Alder—to help ensure our neighborhood gets the attention and resources it needs.
I am deeply concerned about Madison’s rising property taxes, the city’s management of funds, accessible transportation, cuts to senior funding, and the lack of truly affordable housing. This affects more than just the North Side of Madison. It affects the city as a whole, and the confidence our residents have in our city government.
The Vision
I believe we can do better by listening to its people, forging innovative solutions, and directing funds where they truly matter.
My vision is to advocate for investing in homeownership programs, forging partnerships with businesses and builders, increase senior funding, creating job training opportunities, and expanding accessible transportation to build a more equitable future for everyone.